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Our Sponsors

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The Corridor Woodturners 

of the Cedar Rapids / Marion Iowa metro area

is a local Chapter of the

American Association of Woodturners (AAW).​

Johnson Wood Products

News items




Elections were held at the March 13 meeting.  Your club board of directors is:

President is Brad Davis

Vice President position is vacant

Treasurer is Don Coleman

Secretary is John Cox

Directors At-Large are

Tom St. John

Bob Smiley

Tom Mills

Bruce Kruse



April 10 meeting

The April demonstration will be 

by Chris Navurskis, and he'll 

show us a turned book cover.  

A very non-typical wood turning

project, and a lot of fun to make.

This would make great gifts.

            book cover by Chris Navurskis


Project of the Month for April

The project of the month for 

the April 10 meeting is a 

lidded box.  This can be an

opportunity to use some of 

your smaller pieces lying in

your wood stash for a fun


                     turning by Ray Hamilton



Empty bowls project

Saturday, May 17, is the Marion Arts Festival. 

Our club will participate in the empty bowls project.  Donate one or more bowls to be sold at the Festival, with the proceeds going to support local food banks.  Bring your bowls to the April or May meetings.  Start your lathes a-spinning now.










Upcoming Meetings


April 10
Book Covers
Chris Navurskis
May 8
Brad Davis
topic TBD
Saturday, May 17
Marion Arts Festival
Empty Bowls Project
June 12

For questions/comments - e-mail
Find us on Facebook - click here



Book cover Navurskis 20.jpg
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